Common Skin Warts - Cause of Warts - People Prone - Avoid Warts - Home Wart Removals - Medical Wart Removals - Wart Wives Tales
An Old Wive Tale, if you touch a frog or toad you can get warts. Worse if a frog or toad urinates on your skin you can get warts. Warts are a virus frogs or toads do not cause warts. Warts are growths in the skin caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). A wart is a virus and can be contagious. Generally warts are on the hands, feet, face and genitals. If you have a wart it is best to treat it immediately a virus can spread to other parts of the body.
A wart is a contagious virus. Coming in contact with someone with warts generally body to body contact can spread the virus. An example would be shaking hands. Contamination can be from an object that has been in contact with the wart virus. Example: used gym equipment or towels, common office keyboards, door handles and etc. Wart are more common if skin has been cut. Examples face shaving (men) or legs shaving (women) cut skin more susceptible to infections. Under the nail warts common in people that bit their nails.
Doctor do not seem to have the answer but children are more subject to skin warts than adults. Cause could be children's immune systems are not as fully developed to fight infection compared to an adults immune system. For some adults theirs immune system maybe more prone to the wart virus.
Home Remedies for Wart Removal
- Natural Skin Wart Removal No Invasive Surgery, No Pain and No Scarring.
- Salicylic Acid ingredient used in wart removal products.
- Recommended that salicylic acid not be used by people with diabetes or areas of poor body circulation.
- Over the counter medication many contain acid that may leave scars.
- Over-the-counter aerosol wart treatment removal freezes warts compared to liquid nitrogen used by dermatologists.
- Home treatments used for many years are garlic, baking soda, honey and cauliflower juice and other ingredients.
- Duct tape or non-breathing tape (electrical tape). Claims to suffocate the wart. Duct tape must be kept in place and only removed for a few hours per week. Claims, because tape kept on effected area for such long periods that tape falls off before it become effective.
- Medical treatment for warts.
- Warts can be medically frozen
- Immune-stimulator medically approved for genital warts and some other areas of body.
- Doctors can inject candida (yeast).
- Doctors injection of "bleomycin".
- Surgical removal consult with medical professional.
Skin Wart Old Superstitions - Old Wives Tales:
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Frogs and Skin Warts |
An Old Wive Tale, if you touch a frog or toad you can get warts. Worse if a frog or toad urinates on your skin you can get warts. Warts are a virus frogs or toads do not cause warts. Warts are growths in the skin caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). A wart is a virus and can be contagious. Generally warts are on the hands, feet, face and genitals. If you have a wart it is best to treat it immediately a virus can spread to other parts of the body.
Common Warts
- Plantar warts are found on the "plantar" part of the foot. Found on the bottom of the foot.
- Flat "plane" warts maybe on the face, legs and other parts of the body.
- Periungual warts are under and around the nails.
- Filiform warts appear as a narrow long stalk generally on the face.
Cause of Warts
Why People Prone to Skin Warts?
Cautions Avoid Warts
- Wash hands frequently and thoroughly.
- Entry markets now have hand sanitizers. Use them for hands and clean shopping cart handle.
- At the gym use clean equipment.
- At gym only use fresh clean towels.
- Do not share eating or drinking utensils.
- If someone has warts do not have bodily contact.
Note warts can reappear after removal. Skin warts are a virus.
Medical Remedies Wart Removal:
Professional medical procedures, over the counter and home remedies have their advantages and disadvantages. Do not use over the counter or at home remedies on cancerous growths. Seek professional medical advice on any suspicious growths.
Skin Wart Old Superstitions - Old Wives Tales:
- Rub gold (preferably wedding ring) against wart and sties.
- Touching a frog or toad will give your skin warts.
- If a frog or toad urinates on your skin will give skin warts.
- Skin warts are a sign of evil and unlucky.
Disclosure: Compensated Affiliate
Nice Post thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWarts Skin Growth
Warts and skin tags are terms used often interchangeably to denote any raised, painless skin growths often seen in between the face and neck region. However, there
exists much difference between the two skin ailments. Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus whereas, skin tags are genetically induced conditions.
Warts Skin Growth
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