
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Skin Anatomy - Skin Types - Skin Care and Nutrition

Skin Anatomy
 Skin is a organ that covers the entire exterior of the body. The skin is barrier against toxins and negative organisms. The skin keeps organs inside the body and keeps exterior forces outside of the body.The largest organ of the integumentary system is the SKIN. Skin Vertebrate animals are covered with soft outer layers of skin. The skins adjuncts are hair, scales and nails. The skins protective properties: skin sensations, body temperature regulation, against pathogens, body organs bones ligaments muscles and tissues, body waterproofing and water losses. Skin care is important. Skin care keep skin clean and moisturized.

The skin is made of 2 layers

Epidermis: The tough protective outer layer or top layer is the epidermis. It contains melanin. Melanin gives skin color and protects the skin against the rays of the sun. Melanocyte cells produce melanin. Hair follicles located in the epidermis and dermis. Hair follicle nourishes hair and is where hair grows.

Dermis: Second layer of the skin under epidermis. The dermis contains oil glands, sweat glands, nerve endings and hair follicles. Sebaceous gland located in the dermis next to hair follicles. Small gland that releases oil onto hair follicles (can lubricated and soften skin). Sweat glands (sudoriferous gland) releases sweat onto skin helps to control body temperature.

Subcutaneous tissue: Under the epidermis and dermis is a fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue. Pacinian corpuscle located in subcutaneous fatty tissue. Nerve receptors responds to temperature, pressure and vibration.

Adults average from 18-20 square feet of skin and the skin weight is approximately 6 pounds.

Skin Types

Sensitive Skin tends to more sensitive around the cheeks. Skin around the cheek area tends to be thinner. Fragrance, sun rays, dyes, alcohol and additives can irritate the skin. Sensitive skin can be caused by heredity, lifestyle, diet pollution and stress.

Rosacea is skin condition mostly situated on the face generally around the nose, cheeks and chin. Red pimples commonly called "acne rosacea". Rosacea can be kept under control but cannot be cured.

Normal Skin is the perfect balance of oils and water. The skin is hydrated reducing signs of skin aging. All skin types requires good maintenance. In normal skin good daily maintenance provides natural aging and prevent premature lines and wrinkles.

Combination Skin are oily and dry skin at the same time. Usually T-zone forehead, nose and chin will tend to be oily. Excessive oil can product blemishes. While U-zone cheeks, eyes and neck area can be dehydrated or dry. Dryness can produce fine lines.

Dehydrated Dry Skin lack of skin water and moisture. Skin tends to be dry, tight, flaky and reveals smaller pore size, fine lines and wrinkles more rapidly than normal or oily skin. Dry skin maybe thinner. Dry Skin skin oil glands are under active or inactive decreased production of sebum keeping the skin hydrated. Causing dry and itchy skin. Sebum is a natural skin oil.

Oily Skin is prone to acne. Glands produce too much sebum. Sebum is a natural skin oil. Skin pores tend to be larger. Skin can have a greasy and shiny appearance. Oil clogged pores can result in acne. Oily skin may have its drawbacks for youths but as the skin ages oily skin over time retains a more youthful and supple look.

Aging Skin with age the skins tends be become more dehydrated and support natural skin systems break down. Natural factors are skin water and lipid content or sebum. Sebum natural skin oils. The skin after 35 years old loses its ability to retain moisture. The results are fine lines, wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. Harmful free radicals caused by the sun, smoking, diet, stress and pollutants can caused dark and light skin spots. Daily facial sunscreen can reduce harmful effect of the sun. Daily maintenance and body and skin hydrated.

Skin types can change with age and the seasons. Daily skin care is essential. The are external factors that effect the skin are: sun rays, water intake, diet, exercise, sleep, travel, lifestyle, stress, smoking, environment and pollutants. Consider external factors that can be controlled for a healthier physical and mental well being.

Skin Care and Nutrition
Skin Care and Nutrition

Hippocrates is,"The Father of Modern Medicine. Ancient Greece believed that beauty, exercise and diet worked in concert. I am not a doctor but this is my personal opinion. My personal opinion, that with daily skin maintenance combined with healthy nutrition are imperative. Hair and nails comprised mainly of protein. The body does not store protein. Foods rich in protein, beef, chicken, fish, pork, eggs, dairy products, nuts and seeds. Vegetables and fruits high in vitamins and minerals and are low fat and low carbohydrate foods. The body stores fats and carbohydrates. Excessive fats and carbohydrates accumulation in the body can result in stored body fats. Skin tags and skin moles are benign tumors. Skin Warts are a virus. Skin Tags, Skin Mole and Skin Warts require special skin care attention in addition to general skin care and daily nutrition.

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