
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Civilization Beauty and Skin Care.- Ancient Skin Remedies

Beauty and Civilizations
 Civilization Beauty and skin care removing skin moles, skin warts and skin tags. Civilization skin care and beauty. What is beauty? Is beauty in the eyes of the beholder?  Beauty defined by society, culture and time? Though our history beauty is something every civilization admires and gives social advantages. Every civilization has its standards for beauty. Romans felt a fair unblemished complexion with fine features defined beauty. Western countries over the centuries has adopted this definition of beauty with modifications. In the computer age Thomas Friedman sees the world as flat and not round. New worlds have emerged with wealth and power. Beauty is viewed universally. One Roman standard remains unblemished skin. Travel with me through history discover different civilizations definition of beauty. Ancient skin care and methods removal of skin tags, skin moles, skin warts and blemishes.

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt has the earliest records of skin care. Nature plants, herbs, insects and animals were used for skin care. Milk is now known as a nutriment for skin. Cleopatra bathed in milk and rose petals. Aloe Vera has healing powers for burn, cuts and wounds. Aloe Vera was used as a remedies to remove skin tags and skin warts. The liquid was mixed with sand and used as an exfoliate. The Aloe Vera plant was called, "Plant of Immortality". Both olive oil and honey were used for skin care by the Egyptians and adopted by Greece.

Ancient Greeks

Beauty, exercise and diet were in concert in daily life. Many natural skin care produces were adopted by Greece from Ancient Egypt. Olive oil have may nutritional values but was also used in skin care. Olive oil has antibacterial and moisturizing properties. Olive oil was used as remedy stretch marks and as anti-aging oil. Olive oil was applied directly to skin wrinkles. Applied directly in baths for skin moisturizing. Also used as a skin protective for athletes. Virgin olive oil has to be keep out of direct sunlight in cool location and airtight container.

Ancient Rome

The ideal beauty had fine complexion with fine features. Blemished complexion were not a sign of beauty. Grounded snail ashes was used to fade freckles, moles, tags and warts. Honey and witch hazel was combined used as antiseptic to prevent acne's.

Ancient China

A classical practice in Ancient China was, Moleomancy. "Wealthy spots" based on location and size. Facial mole concurred with other moles in another part of the body. Visible moles were bad omens and hidden moles were a sign of good luck or good omens. Thousands of years ago Ancient China created beeswax.

Ancient Indian

Apply crust garlic to wart and covered with bandage. Garlic can burn the skin. Before applying garlic put natural oil on skin to protect against burning. In World War I surgeons used garlic to cleanse wounds and prevent gangrene. Scientifically, garlic has an array of medical benefits lower cholesterol and blood pressure and stimulates immune system.

Ancient Europe/United Kingdom.

Remove skin warts rub a piece of meat on the wart. Bury the meat in the ground. The wart will disappear as meat rots in the ground.

Early Yucatan

Pre-Hispanic period passed and current way to remove warts. Dead scorpion toasted and finely crushed. Small portion of fine powder mixed in with food or drink. Has to be ingested twice a day until warts fall off.

Medieval Europe

Clear unblemished skin the standard. Skin tags, moles and warts were an indication of evil or the devil entered the body through these skin ailments. Many skin care produces were imported from Eastern countries and Arab nations. Indigenous skin care products were thyme, rosemary and peppermint.

Europe and China

The root of the burdock plant has been used for medicinal purposes in Europe, China and Africa for over 3,000 years. The plant is biennial. It blooms every 2 years and then dies. The nutriments for skin ailments are stored in the roots. Roots are boiling making a tea. Burdock tea is used as a blood cleanser. The Chinese would recommend the tea for a variety of skin ailments including acne, psoriasis, abscesses, corns, skin warts and skin moles. Chinese felt that skin problems were cleared because the under lying gland or organ causing the skin ailment was cleansed. Burdock contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Skin ailments caused by toxins in body burdock cleanses body system diuretic cleanses with urination.

The Renaissance

Renaissance means rebirth. During the Renaissance in my opinion the view of the mole was similar to the Ancient Chinese. Richard Sanders, "system" facial moles indicated where corresponding birthmarks would be on the body. The birthmark gave insight to individuals personality. Renaissance theory having insight into a persons personality could tell good or bad spouse, parent, employee and employer prospects. In Ancient China facial moles corresponded with other moles would indicate a persons fate, good or bad omens. Renaissance birthmarks gave vision into personality conversely, Ancient Chinese moles discerned fate and omens.

17th and 18th Century Western Europe

In 16th century Europe face patches were used to cover facial blemishes and small-pox scars. In the 17th thru 18th century natural and artificial moles became fashionable. This was a fun time for skin moles. Men and women in England and France wore powdered wigs, make-up (containing lead), elevated shoes and artificial skin moles. These moles were called, mouches (flies). These moles were made from: leather, silk, taffeta and velvet. They could be elaborate in design from: crescent moons, cupids, butterflies, flowers, stars and a horses with carriage. A favorite was horses drawn carriages. A few skin moles were considered beautiful. Royal houses and upper class society considered wearing fake moles a fashion statement. The popularity of the mouch traveled from England and France to the royal court of Russia. In Russia the mouch was called, "mushka". Mouches could indication a person's political party, marital status and personal sensuality. Where the mouche was placed on the face had significance. Placed close to the lip wearer opened to open flirtation. a mouch placed close to the eyes was a symbol of passion. Mouches were pasted on the face, neck, shoulder or beasts. A person could wear one to ten mouches depending on the event and personal preference. From Medieval Europe to 18th century Western Europe's concept of the mole had changed. Medieval Europe based on the churches edict classified moles as evil and century's later in Western Europe the moles was viewed has fashionable. Not only were artificial moles fashionable but also made political statements and symbols of power and prestige.

Gypsies Around The World:

Gypsies believed moles can indict a persons character and fate depending on placement and appearance of the mole.If mole large and round indicts prosperity. The darker the mole indicated good deep character. Moles with hair indication of strong intiuitive powers. Skin mole in the middle of the forehead showed wisdom and insight. Mole on right side of eyebrow signifies prosperity, wonderful marriage and many health children. Conversely, skin mole on the left side of eyebrow signifies cowardice. Mole on corner of either eye sign of person's honesty and trustworthiness.

America 1850-1860

In America in the mid 1800s fine features and unblemished skin were signs of beauty for women. These facial characteristics also indicated good character for both men and women. President Abraham Lincoln had a mole on his right cheek. He overcame prejudgement about moles and was elected twice as President of the United States.

1850s to Present

In America in the mid 1800s fine features and unblemished skin were signs of beauty for women. These facial characteristics also indicated good character for both men and women. President Abraham Lincoln had a mole on his right cheek. He overcame prejudgement about moles and was elected twice as President of the United States.

Marilyn Monroe had a facial mole. She was the Sex Goddess of the 1950s and created fashion trends that lasted for decades. Women would draw a small facial mole as a beauty enhancer. Actor Robert De Niro has a signature facial mole. Arguably he is considered one of the finest actor of his time. Cindy Crawford has a mole on the top of her lip. Her iconic mole set her apart in fashion and on the runway. In the 1900s famous cosmetic companies: Max Factors, Revlon, Avon, L'Oreal, Maybelline and etc emerged. The cosmetic industry boomed in the 1900s. Some of their skin care products contained synthetic toxins. Modern day consumer are demanding natural ingredients in all skin care produces. Many cosmetics companies now only offer natural skin care produces. Natural plant based skin care produces are being used today as they were used in ancient times.

From ancient time generally women have gone to great lengths for beautiful skin. Depending on the era moles were seen as good or bad omens. Ancient Egyptians used Aloe Vera to remove skin warts. Ancient Greeks used olive oil to remove stretch marks and as an anti-aging oil. To remove acne Roman applied honey and witch hazel. In ancient China, bee wax was invented used today as a skin aid. Ancient Indians covered skin warts with crushed garlic. Ancient Europeans covered warts with red meat. Medieval Europe herbs were applied for skin tag, mole and wart removal.  Early Yucatan crushed toasted scorpion mixed with food and ingested to remove warts. In Europe and China Burdock tea ingested to remove acne, psoriasis, skin tags and moles.  17th -18th century in Western Europe and Russia the artificial moles was a status symbol in aristocratic circles. Negative views about facial moles slowly changed in U.S.A.with President Abraham Lincoln and President Franklin Roosevelt. Both presidents had facial moles.  Marilyn Monroe made the facial mole a statement of beauty.

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