
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Skin Tags - Natural and Surgical Skin Tag Removal

Removing Skin Tags
 Skin Tags - Professional Attention - Are Skin Tags Painful? - Pregnant Women and Tags - Living with Skin Tags - Natural and Surgical Removal

Skin Tag:
Skin tags (acrochordon) are harmless skin growths. Skin tags are benign tumors. Not all is known about the causes for skin tags. Known causes are increased weight and heredity. Men and women are equally subject to getting skin tags. Over 20% of the population has at least 1 skin tag. Skin tags can be 50 to 100 tags per individual. Skin tags protrude from surrounding skin forming a small narrow stalk. They have been called,'skin tabs" or "skin barnacles". Skin tags generally occur in the base of the neck, groin folds, eyelids, upper chest, under the breast and the underarms. Skin tags tend to accumulate in skin folds.Skin tags are more common in middle age persons and prevalent up to age 60 years. Pregnant women because of hormone elevation may see the formation of skin tags. Skin tags occur more rapidly when there is skin friction or skin rubbing. Sun rays can darken skin tags, warts, moles and freckles. Unlike warts, skin tags are not caused by a virus. A skin wart is a virus and is contagious. Skin tags are not contagious.Skin tags can range in size from 2mm to 5cm and are flesh color or brown hues.

Skin Tags That Need Professional Attention
Rare cases where the skin tag may appear precancerous or cancerous. If skin tags is bumpy, displays multiple colors or bleeds consult a medical professional. Mayo Clinic Medical Resources.

Are Skin Tags Painful?
Skin tags are not painful but can become irritated by scratching, jewelry entanglement and or clothing rubbing against the skin tag.

Why are people prone to skin tags?
Some studies suggest that men and women are equally prone to skin tags. Tags are more prevalent in obese people, diabetes suffers, pregnant women and heredity factors and doctors do not have a full explanation for the causes of skin tags. Can children have skin tags? Yes, plump babies may develop skin tags in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing. Generally, the side of the neck. Young children may develop tags on the upper eyelid area. Older children can develop tags on the underarm area. For children a profession physical should be consulted for skin tag treatment.
Groups Prone to Skin Tags
Tags are more prevalent in overweight people, diabetes suffers, pregnant women and heredity factors and doctors do not have a full explanation for the causes of skin tags. My personal opinion is a nutritious diet is important to lessen risk of skin tags for overweight person and diabetic suffers. Encouraged to eat a low fat and low carbohydrate diet. The body stores excessive fats and carbohydrates resulting in body fat. Fats in meats, poultry and fish. There are good fats (unsaturated fats) and bad fats (saturated fats). Carbohydrates can be measured in the glycemic index. It is essential that the body has protein. Protein do not result in body fats. Eating Health Diet Low Carbohydrate (Glycemic Index), Low Fat and Essential Protein. Combine a healthy diet with exercise.
Pregnant Women and Skin Tags
Hormonal changes in pregnant women can cause skin tags. Generally, under the arm pits, under the breast or eyelids. Remember, skin tags are benign tumors. It is NOT suggested that tags be removed during pregnancy. Toxic or natural skin tags removers can enter the body through the skin allowing foreign substances. These foreign matters can be harmful to an unborn infant. For medical removal, consult with a dermatologist for recommendation on skin tags removal during pregnancy.

Living with Skin Tags While Pregnant.

  • On sunny days block the sun with a hat or umbrella.
  • Hot showers and baths tend to dry the skin. Bath or shower in warm water.
  • Keep skin cleansed using unscented soap. Cleanse the face 2-3 times a day.
  • Keep body well moisturized with unscented cream or lotion.
  • Pregnant women skin is more sensitive. The sunlight can darken skin tags, moles and freckles. Always wear SPF sunblock. Refer to dermatologist for recommendations for sun block during pregnancy.
  • Avoid tight fitting clothes. Tight clothes may rub against skin tags causing irritation.
  • On warm hot day wear loss fitting clothes. Cotton clothes are good because they breath or allow air to flow thorough cloth.

Skin Tag Removal

No evidence that removing a skin tag will cause more tags to grow. Study do show that after removal new growth may reoccur some people are just prone to skin tag growths. Cutting off the blood supply to tissues of skin tags will kill them.

Home Remedies for Removal

- Natural remedies for removing skin tags. Naturally remove skin tags, skin moles and skin warts in 3 days No Scars, No Pain, No Invasive Surgery

- Tie off narrow base of tag with a piece of string or dental floss.( Can cause bleeding, pain, scarring and infection)

- Nail Clipper and cut skin tag off (Can cause bleeding, pain, scarring and infection)

- With anesthetic remove tag with scissors. (Can cause bleeding, pain and infection)

- Liquid nitrogen and freeze tag.

- Using electric cautery and burning tag off.(May leave scars)

- Remove skin tags with duct tape.

-Tea tree oil apply 3-4 times a day until skin tags fall off.

-Castor Oil and baking soda mixture into paste. Apply Castor oil and baking soda paste to skin tags 3-4 times a day use until tags fall off.

Remove a Skin Tag by Electro-Cauterization

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages. You can remove a skin tag by electro-cauterization. Treating skin tags by this procedure involves the application of electricity to heat an instrument or needle. Afterwards this needle is put in contact with the skin tag in order to burn the cells of such growth.

Basically electro-cauterization involves 7 main steps:

• The area to be treated is numbed by a local anesthetic

• The areas is treated throughout

• The heated needle is put in contact with the skin tag

• The cells of growth are burned

• The physician removes the burned cells

• A specimen may be sent to the lab for further analysis

• A bandage is applied and instructions are given so it will heal adequately.

Treating skin tags by this procedure may be a bit painful. Some discomforts occur both during and after the treatment. Healing time depends on the healing ability of individual and also on the characteristics of the growth treated.

Advantages of electro-cauterization include:

• It is a quick method

• Generally it is less expensive than other types of surgeries such as laser and cryosurgery.

( Cost can vary for $150.00 to $300.000 per tag)

• Usually one session is enough. In the case of cryosurgery or laser therapy you may have to make more than one visit to your physician to treat the same growths.

Disadvantages treating skin tags with electro-cauterization :

• The procedure is quite invasive

• It is painful. Discomforts may also continue for some days after the treatment.

• Healing times may be long

• It may produce some scaring

 Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal

 Disclosure: Compensated Affiliate

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post thanks for sharing.

    Warts Skin Growth
    Warts and skin tags are terms used often interchangeably to denote any raised, painless skin growths often seen in between the face and neck region. However, there

    exists much difference between the two skin ailments. Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus whereas, skin tags are genetically induced conditions.

    Warts Skin Growth
    Visit Website :
