
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Skin Anatomy - Skin Types - Skin Care and Nutrition

Skin Anatomy
 Skin is a organ that covers the entire exterior of the body. The skin is barrier against toxins and negative organisms. The skin keeps organs inside the body and keeps exterior forces outside of the body.The largest organ of the integumentary system is the SKIN. Skin Vertebrate animals are covered with soft outer layers of skin. The skins adjuncts are hair, scales and nails. The skins protective properties: skin sensations, body temperature regulation, against pathogens, body organs bones ligaments muscles and tissues, body waterproofing and water losses. Skin care is important. Skin care keep skin clean and moisturized.

The skin is made of 2 layers

Epidermis: The tough protective outer layer or top layer is the epidermis. It contains melanin. Melanin gives skin color and protects the skin against the rays of the sun. Melanocyte cells produce melanin. Hair follicles located in the epidermis and dermis. Hair follicle nourishes hair and is where hair grows.

Dermis: Second layer of the skin under epidermis. The dermis contains oil glands, sweat glands, nerve endings and hair follicles. Sebaceous gland located in the dermis next to hair follicles. Small gland that releases oil onto hair follicles (can lubricated and soften skin). Sweat glands (sudoriferous gland) releases sweat onto skin helps to control body temperature.

Subcutaneous tissue: Under the epidermis and dermis is a fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue. Pacinian corpuscle located in subcutaneous fatty tissue. Nerve receptors responds to temperature, pressure and vibration.

Adults average from 18-20 square feet of skin and the skin weight is approximately 6 pounds.

Skin Types

Sensitive Skin tends to more sensitive around the cheeks. Skin around the cheek area tends to be thinner. Fragrance, sun rays, dyes, alcohol and additives can irritate the skin. Sensitive skin can be caused by heredity, lifestyle, diet pollution and stress.

Rosacea is skin condition mostly situated on the face generally around the nose, cheeks and chin. Red pimples commonly called "acne rosacea". Rosacea can be kept under control but cannot be cured.

Normal Skin is the perfect balance of oils and water. The skin is hydrated reducing signs of skin aging. All skin types requires good maintenance. In normal skin good daily maintenance provides natural aging and prevent premature lines and wrinkles.

Combination Skin are oily and dry skin at the same time. Usually T-zone forehead, nose and chin will tend to be oily. Excessive oil can product blemishes. While U-zone cheeks, eyes and neck area can be dehydrated or dry. Dryness can produce fine lines.

Dehydrated Dry Skin lack of skin water and moisture. Skin tends to be dry, tight, flaky and reveals smaller pore size, fine lines and wrinkles more rapidly than normal or oily skin. Dry skin maybe thinner. Dry Skin skin oil glands are under active or inactive decreased production of sebum keeping the skin hydrated. Causing dry and itchy skin. Sebum is a natural skin oil.

Oily Skin is prone to acne. Glands produce too much sebum. Sebum is a natural skin oil. Skin pores tend to be larger. Skin can have a greasy and shiny appearance. Oil clogged pores can result in acne. Oily skin may have its drawbacks for youths but as the skin ages oily skin over time retains a more youthful and supple look.

Aging Skin with age the skins tends be become more dehydrated and support natural skin systems break down. Natural factors are skin water and lipid content or sebum. Sebum natural skin oils. The skin after 35 years old loses its ability to retain moisture. The results are fine lines, wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. Harmful free radicals caused by the sun, smoking, diet, stress and pollutants can caused dark and light skin spots. Daily facial sunscreen can reduce harmful effect of the sun. Daily maintenance and body and skin hydrated.

Skin types can change with age and the seasons. Daily skin care is essential. The are external factors that effect the skin are: sun rays, water intake, diet, exercise, sleep, travel, lifestyle, stress, smoking, environment and pollutants. Consider external factors that can be controlled for a healthier physical and mental well being.

Skin Care and Nutrition
Skin Care and Nutrition

Hippocrates is,"The Father of Modern Medicine. Ancient Greece believed that beauty, exercise and diet worked in concert. I am not a doctor but this is my personal opinion. My personal opinion, that with daily skin maintenance combined with healthy nutrition are imperative. Hair and nails comprised mainly of protein. The body does not store protein. Foods rich in protein, beef, chicken, fish, pork, eggs, dairy products, nuts and seeds. Vegetables and fruits high in vitamins and minerals and are low fat and low carbohydrate foods. The body stores fats and carbohydrates. Excessive fats and carbohydrates accumulation in the body can result in stored body fats. Skin tags and skin moles are benign tumors. Skin Warts are a virus. Skin Tags, Skin Mole and Skin Warts require special skin care attention in addition to general skin care and daily nutrition.

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Skin Warts Home and Medical Removals

Frogs and Skin Warts
 Common Skin Warts - Cause of Warts - People Prone - Avoid Warts - Home Wart Removals - Medical Wart Removals - Wart Wives Tales

An Old Wive Tale, if you touch a frog or toad you can get warts. Worse if a frog or toad urinates on your skin you can get warts. Warts are a virus frogs or toads do not cause warts. Warts are growths in the skin caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). A wart is a virus and can be contagious. Generally warts are on the hands, feet, face and genitals. If you have a wart it is best to treat it immediately a virus can spread to other parts of the body.

Common Warts

  • Plantar warts are found on the "plantar" part of the foot. Found on the bottom of the foot.
  • Flat "plane" warts maybe on the face, legs and other parts of the body.
  • Periungual warts are under and around the nails.
  • Filiform warts appear as a narrow long stalk generally on the face.
 Cause of Warts

A wart is a contagious virus. Coming in contact with someone with warts generally body to body contact can spread the virus. An example would be shaking hands. Contamination can be from an object that has been in contact with the wart virus. Example: used gym equipment or towels, common office keyboards, door handles and etc. Wart are more common if skin has been cut. Examples face shaving (men) or legs shaving (women) cut skin more susceptible to infections. Under the nail warts common in people that bit their nails.

Why People Prone to Skin Warts?

Doctor do not seem to have the answer but children are more subject to skin warts than adults. Cause could be children's immune systems are not as fully developed to fight infection compared to an adults immune system. For some adults theirs immune system maybe more prone to the wart virus.

 Cautions Avoid Warts

  • Wash hands frequently and thoroughly.
  • Entry markets now have hand sanitizers. Use them for hands and clean shopping cart handle.
  • At the gym use clean equipment.
  • At gym only use fresh clean towels.
  • Do not share eating or drinking utensils.
  • If someone has warts do not have bodily contact.

Home Remedies for Wart Removal

Note warts can reappear after removal. Skin warts are a virus.

- Natural Skin Wart Removal No Invasive Surgery, No Pain and No Scarring.

- Salicylic Acid ingredient used in wart removal products.

- Recommended that salicylic acid not be used by people with diabetes or areas of poor body circulation.

- Over the counter medication many contain acid that may leave scars.

- Over-the-counter aerosol wart treatment removal freezes warts compared to liquid nitrogen used by dermatologists.

- Home treatments used for many years are garlic, baking soda, honey and cauliflower juice and other ingredients.

- Duct tape or non-breathing tape (electrical tape). Claims to suffocate the wart. Duct tape must be kept in place and only removed for a few hours per week. Claims, because tape kept on effected area for such long periods that tape falls off before it become effective.

Medical Remedies Wart Removal:
Professional medical procedures, over the counter and home remedies have their advantages and disadvantages. Do not use over the counter or at home remedies on cancerous growths. Seek professional medical advice on any suspicious growths.


- Medical treatment for warts.

- Warts can be medically frozen

- Immune-stimulator medically approved for genital warts and some other areas of body.

- Doctors can inject candida (yeast).

- Doctors injection of "bleomycin".

- Surgical removal consult with medical professional.

Skin Wart Old Superstitions - Old Wives Tales:

  • Rub gold (preferably wedding ring) against wart and sties.
  • Touching a frog or toad will give your skin warts.
  • If a frog or toad urinates on your skin will give skin warts.
  • Skin warts are a sign of evil and unlucky.

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Skin Mole Types and Skin Mole Removal

Marilyn Mole-Skin Mole
Types Skin Moles - Home Remedy Mole Removal - Medical Mole Removal - Skin Mole Superstitions

Times have changed actress Marilyn Monroe would never have thought of having her mole removed. Her mole enhanced her beauty. Civilizations and Famous people with moles. Moles are cells growing in a cluster called, "melanocytes". Melanocytic tumors a nevus is a benign tumor. Moles darken after expose to the sun. A birthmark can be a mole. Most moles are harmless but consult a dermatologist for moles that change in colors, height, size and or shape.Consult dermatologist is mole appears atypical. Usually, moles are round or oval-shaped. Color generally brown but can vary in shades. Can appear all over the body but generally occur on the face, arms and body truck. Melanoma Mayo Clinic information. Additionally, have mole checked by dermatologist if mole is painful, tender, bleeds, oozes, itches or appears scaly. Areas exposed to the sun are susceptible to moles: face, neck, ears and chest.

5 Main Types of Skin Moles:

Junctional Moles: can be flat or slightly raised above the skin.
Compound Moles: raised above the skin and color can vary from tan to dark brown. Compound moles involves melanocytes (cells the produce skin color).
Dermal Moles: mole growths that contain hair. Colors can be same as the flesh to dark brown and usually found in upper half of body.
Blue Moles: are slightly raised moles hues from dark brown to blue in color. Generally deep skin moles and more common in women than men.
Sebaceous Moles: tend to be tend to touch and yellow in color. Cause by over-active oil glands.
Skin Tags, Mole and Wart Removal in 3 Days

Home Remedies for Mole Removals Natural and Commercial 

  • Apply grounded garlic clove and apply to mole. Cover with bandage. Can cause burning.
  • Grounded coriander applied to mole may remove mole in a few days.
  • Grounded flax seeds with honey. Apply mixture to mole 2 to 3 times a day. Apply until mole falls off.
  • Apply Iodine
  • Apply dandelion root to mole 3-4 times a day.
  • Applying Apple Cider Vinegar may remove moles. Can cause rashes, scarring and or skin burns.
  • Scratching mole and applying apple cider vinegar, crushed garlic and or iodine. Do not recommend this method. Can cause infection and scarring.
  • Baking powder and Castor oil combined in to a paste. Apply 3 times a day until mole removed
  • Apply tea tree oil 2-3 times a day. Mole maybe removed in 10 days.
  • Toxic skin mole removal creme.

Dermatology - Medical Mole Removal

- Cost for mole removal includes surgery, anesthesia, hospital fee and etc.
- Technique determined for mole removal.
- Laser Mole Removal. Laser removal not recommended if mole is deep.
- Dermatologist will determine if mole is removed partially or completely.
- Discuss with doctor the level of scarring after healing.
- Cost approximately $125.00 to $300.00 per mole. Verify cost with doctor.

Skin Moles Old Superstitions - Old Wives Tales:

  • Moles on left side of body unlucky.
  • Mole on right side of body lucky.
  • Moles on chin or neck wealth.
  • Moles on chest and stomach strength.
  • Mole on nose lechery.
  • Mole on women's thigh unfaithful and spendthrift.
  • Mole on young woman's beast irresistible.
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Skin Tags - Natural and Surgical Skin Tag Removal

Removing Skin Tags
 Skin Tags - Professional Attention - Are Skin Tags Painful? - Pregnant Women and Tags - Living with Skin Tags - Natural and Surgical Removal

Skin Tag:
Skin tags (acrochordon) are harmless skin growths. Skin tags are benign tumors. Not all is known about the causes for skin tags. Known causes are increased weight and heredity. Men and women are equally subject to getting skin tags. Over 20% of the population has at least 1 skin tag. Skin tags can be 50 to 100 tags per individual. Skin tags protrude from surrounding skin forming a small narrow stalk. They have been called,'skin tabs" or "skin barnacles". Skin tags generally occur in the base of the neck, groin folds, eyelids, upper chest, under the breast and the underarms. Skin tags tend to accumulate in skin folds.Skin tags are more common in middle age persons and prevalent up to age 60 years. Pregnant women because of hormone elevation may see the formation of skin tags. Skin tags occur more rapidly when there is skin friction or skin rubbing. Sun rays can darken skin tags, warts, moles and freckles. Unlike warts, skin tags are not caused by a virus. A skin wart is a virus and is contagious. Skin tags are not contagious.Skin tags can range in size from 2mm to 5cm and are flesh color or brown hues.

Skin Tags That Need Professional Attention
Rare cases where the skin tag may appear precancerous or cancerous. If skin tags is bumpy, displays multiple colors or bleeds consult a medical professional. Mayo Clinic Medical Resources.

Are Skin Tags Painful?
Skin tags are not painful but can become irritated by scratching, jewelry entanglement and or clothing rubbing against the skin tag.

Why are people prone to skin tags?
Some studies suggest that men and women are equally prone to skin tags. Tags are more prevalent in obese people, diabetes suffers, pregnant women and heredity factors and doctors do not have a full explanation for the causes of skin tags. Can children have skin tags? Yes, plump babies may develop skin tags in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing. Generally, the side of the neck. Young children may develop tags on the upper eyelid area. Older children can develop tags on the underarm area. For children a profession physical should be consulted for skin tag treatment.
Groups Prone to Skin Tags
Tags are more prevalent in overweight people, diabetes suffers, pregnant women and heredity factors and doctors do not have a full explanation for the causes of skin tags. My personal opinion is a nutritious diet is important to lessen risk of skin tags for overweight person and diabetic suffers. Encouraged to eat a low fat and low carbohydrate diet. The body stores excessive fats and carbohydrates resulting in body fat. Fats in meats, poultry and fish. There are good fats (unsaturated fats) and bad fats (saturated fats). Carbohydrates can be measured in the glycemic index. It is essential that the body has protein. Protein do not result in body fats. Eating Health Diet Low Carbohydrate (Glycemic Index), Low Fat and Essential Protein. Combine a healthy diet with exercise.
Pregnant Women and Skin Tags
Hormonal changes in pregnant women can cause skin tags. Generally, under the arm pits, under the breast or eyelids. Remember, skin tags are benign tumors. It is NOT suggested that tags be removed during pregnancy. Toxic or natural skin tags removers can enter the body through the skin allowing foreign substances. These foreign matters can be harmful to an unborn infant. For medical removal, consult with a dermatologist for recommendation on skin tags removal during pregnancy.

Living with Skin Tags While Pregnant.

  • On sunny days block the sun with a hat or umbrella.
  • Hot showers and baths tend to dry the skin. Bath or shower in warm water.
  • Keep skin cleansed using unscented soap. Cleanse the face 2-3 times a day.
  • Keep body well moisturized with unscented cream or lotion.
  • Pregnant women skin is more sensitive. The sunlight can darken skin tags, moles and freckles. Always wear SPF sunblock. Refer to dermatologist for recommendations for sun block during pregnancy.
  • Avoid tight fitting clothes. Tight clothes may rub against skin tags causing irritation.
  • On warm hot day wear loss fitting clothes. Cotton clothes are good because they breath or allow air to flow thorough cloth.

Skin Tag Removal

No evidence that removing a skin tag will cause more tags to grow. Study do show that after removal new growth may reoccur some people are just prone to skin tag growths. Cutting off the blood supply to tissues of skin tags will kill them.

Home Remedies for Removal

- Natural remedies for removing skin tags. Naturally remove skin tags, skin moles and skin warts in 3 days No Scars, No Pain, No Invasive Surgery

- Tie off narrow base of tag with a piece of string or dental floss.( Can cause bleeding, pain, scarring and infection)

- Nail Clipper and cut skin tag off (Can cause bleeding, pain, scarring and infection)

- With anesthetic remove tag with scissors. (Can cause bleeding, pain and infection)

- Liquid nitrogen and freeze tag.

- Using electric cautery and burning tag off.(May leave scars)

- Remove skin tags with duct tape.

-Tea tree oil apply 3-4 times a day until skin tags fall off.

-Castor Oil and baking soda mixture into paste. Apply Castor oil and baking soda paste to skin tags 3-4 times a day use until tags fall off.

Remove a Skin Tag by Electro-Cauterization

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages. You can remove a skin tag by electro-cauterization. Treating skin tags by this procedure involves the application of electricity to heat an instrument or needle. Afterwards this needle is put in contact with the skin tag in order to burn the cells of such growth.

Basically electro-cauterization involves 7 main steps:

• The area to be treated is numbed by a local anesthetic

• The areas is treated throughout

• The heated needle is put in contact with the skin tag

• The cells of growth are burned

• The physician removes the burned cells

• A specimen may be sent to the lab for further analysis

• A bandage is applied and instructions are given so it will heal adequately.

Treating skin tags by this procedure may be a bit painful. Some discomforts occur both during and after the treatment. Healing time depends on the healing ability of individual and also on the characteristics of the growth treated.

Advantages of electro-cauterization include:

• It is a quick method

• Generally it is less expensive than other types of surgeries such as laser and cryosurgery.

( Cost can vary for $150.00 to $300.000 per tag)

• Usually one session is enough. In the case of cryosurgery or laser therapy you may have to make more than one visit to your physician to treat the same growths.

Disadvantages treating skin tags with electro-cauterization :

• The procedure is quite invasive

• It is painful. Discomforts may also continue for some days after the treatment.

• Healing times may be long

• It may produce some scaring

 Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal

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Civilization Beauty and Skin Care.- Ancient Skin Remedies

Beauty and Civilizations
 Civilization Beauty and skin care removing skin moles, skin warts and skin tags. Civilization skin care and beauty. What is beauty? Is beauty in the eyes of the beholder?  Beauty defined by society, culture and time? Though our history beauty is something every civilization admires and gives social advantages. Every civilization has its standards for beauty. Romans felt a fair unblemished complexion with fine features defined beauty. Western countries over the centuries has adopted this definition of beauty with modifications. In the computer age Thomas Friedman sees the world as flat and not round. New worlds have emerged with wealth and power. Beauty is viewed universally. One Roman standard remains unblemished skin. Travel with me through history discover different civilizations definition of beauty. Ancient skin care and methods removal of skin tags, skin moles, skin warts and blemishes.

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt has the earliest records of skin care. Nature plants, herbs, insects and animals were used for skin care. Milk is now known as a nutriment for skin. Cleopatra bathed in milk and rose petals. Aloe Vera has healing powers for burn, cuts and wounds. Aloe Vera was used as a remedies to remove skin tags and skin warts. The liquid was mixed with sand and used as an exfoliate. The Aloe Vera plant was called, "Plant of Immortality". Both olive oil and honey were used for skin care by the Egyptians and adopted by Greece.

Ancient Greeks

Beauty, exercise and diet were in concert in daily life. Many natural skin care produces were adopted by Greece from Ancient Egypt. Olive oil have may nutritional values but was also used in skin care. Olive oil has antibacterial and moisturizing properties. Olive oil was used as remedy stretch marks and as anti-aging oil. Olive oil was applied directly to skin wrinkles. Applied directly in baths for skin moisturizing. Also used as a skin protective for athletes. Virgin olive oil has to be keep out of direct sunlight in cool location and airtight container.

Ancient Rome

The ideal beauty had fine complexion with fine features. Blemished complexion were not a sign of beauty. Grounded snail ashes was used to fade freckles, moles, tags and warts. Honey and witch hazel was combined used as antiseptic to prevent acne's.

Ancient China

A classical practice in Ancient China was, Moleomancy. "Wealthy spots" based on location and size. Facial mole concurred with other moles in another part of the body. Visible moles were bad omens and hidden moles were a sign of good luck or good omens. Thousands of years ago Ancient China created beeswax.

Ancient Indian

Apply crust garlic to wart and covered with bandage. Garlic can burn the skin. Before applying garlic put natural oil on skin to protect against burning. In World War I surgeons used garlic to cleanse wounds and prevent gangrene. Scientifically, garlic has an array of medical benefits lower cholesterol and blood pressure and stimulates immune system.

Ancient Europe/United Kingdom.

Remove skin warts rub a piece of meat on the wart. Bury the meat in the ground. The wart will disappear as meat rots in the ground.

Early Yucatan

Pre-Hispanic period passed and current way to remove warts. Dead scorpion toasted and finely crushed. Small portion of fine powder mixed in with food or drink. Has to be ingested twice a day until warts fall off.

Medieval Europe

Clear unblemished skin the standard. Skin tags, moles and warts were an indication of evil or the devil entered the body through these skin ailments. Many skin care produces were imported from Eastern countries and Arab nations. Indigenous skin care products were thyme, rosemary and peppermint.

Europe and China

The root of the burdock plant has been used for medicinal purposes in Europe, China and Africa for over 3,000 years. The plant is biennial. It blooms every 2 years and then dies. The nutriments for skin ailments are stored in the roots. Roots are boiling making a tea. Burdock tea is used as a blood cleanser. The Chinese would recommend the tea for a variety of skin ailments including acne, psoriasis, abscesses, corns, skin warts and skin moles. Chinese felt that skin problems were cleared because the under lying gland or organ causing the skin ailment was cleansed. Burdock contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Skin ailments caused by toxins in body burdock cleanses body system diuretic cleanses with urination.

The Renaissance

Renaissance means rebirth. During the Renaissance in my opinion the view of the mole was similar to the Ancient Chinese. Richard Sanders, "system" facial moles indicated where corresponding birthmarks would be on the body. The birthmark gave insight to individuals personality. Renaissance theory having insight into a persons personality could tell good or bad spouse, parent, employee and employer prospects. In Ancient China facial moles corresponded with other moles would indicate a persons fate, good or bad omens. Renaissance birthmarks gave vision into personality conversely, Ancient Chinese moles discerned fate and omens.

17th and 18th Century Western Europe

In 16th century Europe face patches were used to cover facial blemishes and small-pox scars. In the 17th thru 18th century natural and artificial moles became fashionable. This was a fun time for skin moles. Men and women in England and France wore powdered wigs, make-up (containing lead), elevated shoes and artificial skin moles. These moles were called, mouches (flies). These moles were made from: leather, silk, taffeta and velvet. They could be elaborate in design from: crescent moons, cupids, butterflies, flowers, stars and a horses with carriage. A favorite was horses drawn carriages. A few skin moles were considered beautiful. Royal houses and upper class society considered wearing fake moles a fashion statement. The popularity of the mouch traveled from England and France to the royal court of Russia. In Russia the mouch was called, "mushka". Mouches could indication a person's political party, marital status and personal sensuality. Where the mouche was placed on the face had significance. Placed close to the lip wearer opened to open flirtation. a mouch placed close to the eyes was a symbol of passion. Mouches were pasted on the face, neck, shoulder or beasts. A person could wear one to ten mouches depending on the event and personal preference. From Medieval Europe to 18th century Western Europe's concept of the mole had changed. Medieval Europe based on the churches edict classified moles as evil and century's later in Western Europe the moles was viewed has fashionable. Not only were artificial moles fashionable but also made political statements and symbols of power and prestige.

Gypsies Around The World:

Gypsies believed moles can indict a persons character and fate depending on placement and appearance of the mole.If mole large and round indicts prosperity. The darker the mole indicated good deep character. Moles with hair indication of strong intiuitive powers. Skin mole in the middle of the forehead showed wisdom and insight. Mole on right side of eyebrow signifies prosperity, wonderful marriage and many health children. Conversely, skin mole on the left side of eyebrow signifies cowardice. Mole on corner of either eye sign of person's honesty and trustworthiness.

America 1850-1860

In America in the mid 1800s fine features and unblemished skin were signs of beauty for women. These facial characteristics also indicated good character for both men and women. President Abraham Lincoln had a mole on his right cheek. He overcame prejudgement about moles and was elected twice as President of the United States.

1850s to Present

In America in the mid 1800s fine features and unblemished skin were signs of beauty for women. These facial characteristics also indicated good character for both men and women. President Abraham Lincoln had a mole on his right cheek. He overcame prejudgement about moles and was elected twice as President of the United States.

Marilyn Monroe had a facial mole. She was the Sex Goddess of the 1950s and created fashion trends that lasted for decades. Women would draw a small facial mole as a beauty enhancer. Actor Robert De Niro has a signature facial mole. Arguably he is considered one of the finest actor of his time. Cindy Crawford has a mole on the top of her lip. Her iconic mole set her apart in fashion and on the runway. In the 1900s famous cosmetic companies: Max Factors, Revlon, Avon, L'Oreal, Maybelline and etc emerged. The cosmetic industry boomed in the 1900s. Some of their skin care products contained synthetic toxins. Modern day consumer are demanding natural ingredients in all skin care produces. Many cosmetics companies now only offer natural skin care produces. Natural plant based skin care produces are being used today as they were used in ancient times.

From ancient time generally women have gone to great lengths for beautiful skin. Depending on the era moles were seen as good or bad omens. Ancient Egyptians used Aloe Vera to remove skin warts. Ancient Greeks used olive oil to remove stretch marks and as an anti-aging oil. To remove acne Roman applied honey and witch hazel. In ancient China, bee wax was invented used today as a skin aid. Ancient Indians covered skin warts with crushed garlic. Ancient Europeans covered warts with red meat. Medieval Europe herbs were applied for skin tag, mole and wart removal.  Early Yucatan crushed toasted scorpion mixed with food and ingested to remove warts. In Europe and China Burdock tea ingested to remove acne, psoriasis, skin tags and moles.  17th -18th century in Western Europe and Russia the artificial moles was a status symbol in aristocratic circles. Negative views about facial moles slowly changed in U.S.A.with President Abraham Lincoln and President Franklin Roosevelt. Both presidents had facial moles.  Marilyn Monroe made the facial mole a statement of beauty.

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Skin Tags, Mole and Wart Removal in 3 Days
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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Civilization Skin Moles and Famous People With Moles

Civilization and Skin Moles
 Civilizations  Skin Moles and Famous People with Skin Moles.

Moles throughout history of been a sign of good luck or a bad omen. Some societies felt moles could foretell a persons character. In Medieval Europe skin moles were a sign of evil. In Western Europe in the 1800s moles were quite the fashion statement. In America in the mid 1900s skin moles were not seen as a sign of beauty or good character. President Abraham Lincoln had a mole on his right cheek and was elected President of the US twice. Marilyn Monroe changed the old myths about facial skin moles. Her signature facial mole was copied by women for decades as a sign of facial enhancement. Read about different civilizations views of moles and how these ancient views have changed with time. See famous people with Moles

Ancient Greeks

The Ancient Greeks felt a moles were omens. Example, a mole on the cheek was an indication of future wealth. The Ancient Greeks believed that moles and where the mole was located, could tell a persons destiny.

Ancient China
Ancient China "Wealthy spots" visible mole corresponded with other moles on the body. In China moles were respected and  indicators of good or bad omens. A practice in Ancient China was "moleomancy". Moleomancy was face reading moles. A person fate could be determined by the observation of location, shape, height and color  moles on the face.
  • - Philtrum: Vertical groove middle of upper lip and nose. If mole located in philtrum area woman could give birth to twins.
  • - Mole Left of Philtrum: Indicated low self esteem 
  • - Mole to Right of Philtrum: Mole on right of philtrum on the lip indication of talkative person.
  • - Bridge of Nose: Bad luck omen
  • - Mole On Top of Ear: Indicates an astute person. 
  • - Mole on Right Ear Lobe: Indicate good child with committed and kind to family.
  • - Mole on Left Ear Lobe: Women would get a good husband.
  • - Forehead: Above left eyebrow indicated good luck, happy marriage and fortune depending where the mole was located on the forehead.
  • -Eyes: Depending on location of the mole generally the mole indicated bad luck.

Ancient Rome

  Ancient Rome
Sign of beauty in Ancient Rome was a fair unblemished complexion. Blemished skin was not considered signs of beauty. Freckles and moles were lightened with ashes from grounded nails. The beauty standards of the Western World are adopted from the Ancient Romans.

Medieval Europe
The church in Medieval Europe interpreted birthmarks and moles as signs of demonic possession.
During the Middle Ages or Dark Ages moles, birthmarks, skin tags or skin warts were all marks of evil. Over centuries in the same country natural or artificial moles became a thing of beauty.

The Renaissance
The location of a facial mole could determine a person character. Examples: person would me good spouse, worker and etc.

16th Century Europe
Pseudoscience facial moles would indicate other location of body where a corresponding mole could be found. Location of moles could determine a persons character. Skin patches were worn in 16th Century to cover blemishes and small pox scars. In less than two centuries artificial moles became fashionable in upper classes and royal courts.

18th Century Western Europe
Wigs, make-up, high heels and artificial moles were fashionable by both men and women in the upper classes and royal courts. It was fashionable to have a mouch (flies) or fake moles. Mouches were placed on the face, neck and or breasts. Mouches became an artistic craft. Mouches were designed of half moons, flowers, butterflies, hearts and horse carriages. Horse drawn carriage mouch designs were very popular. Mouches were made from silk, leather, taffeta or silk.  Mouches depending on design stated: politician views, marital availability and etc. Depending where the natural mole was located the mole could be a sign of beauty.

Artificial moles or mouches travelled from Western Europe's courts to Russian courts. In Russia the mouch was called, "mushka". One to ten mouches would be worn at one time.

Famous People with Moles
Famous people throughout history have had facial moles. Their signature facial moles are not bad taboo signs. Their moles have become marks of character, beauty, creativity and intelligence. Famous people with moles have changed society's views of moles.

America 1850s-1860s

Abraham Lincoln
 Good character was denoted by fine features and clear complexions. Myths denoted moles, skin tags and blemishes a sign of bad character. President Abraham Lincoln had a mole on his right cheek and did not have the ideal physical attributes denoted for good character of the day. President Lincoln was elected twice in 1860 and 1864. History has proven the President Abraham Lincoln was one of America's best and most influential Presidents. Contrary, to the views of the time his signature mole represents currently character and strength.

Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe has a mole on the left side of her face slightly above her mouth. Marilyn Monroe was the "Sex Goddess" of the 1950s. Marilyn Monroe is post WWII. In a time of repressed sexuality Marilyn Monroe represented sensuality. Marilyn Monroe's signature mole encouraged  women for decades to draw a small mole facial mole.Women hoped the mole would enhance their appeal.

Cindy Crawford

1980 to Present
Cindy Crawford has a mole at the top of her lip. In motion pictures Marilyn Monroe's mole was her trademark. In fashion and on the runway Cindy Crawford's mole is her trademark.

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck has two facial moles one on the right side and the other on the left side. Ben Affleck with or without moles is just a handsome leading man. Some of his famous movies: Good Will Hunting, The Town, The Company Man and He's Just Not That Into You.

Clint Eastwood "Make My Day"

Famous actor, award winning  film producer and director, Clint Eastwood. Famous movies, Dirty Harry, Play Misty for Me, Misty River, Million Dollar Baby, Bird, Good Bad and Ugly, Fistful of Dollars to name a few. Clint Eastwood's famous signature mole is above his right lip.

Robert De Niro "You Talkin to Me"

Famous actor and director, Robert De Niro. Signature mole on right cheek. Famous movies, Godfather II, Taxi Driver, Mean Streets, The Deer Hunter, Goodfellas, Casino, Raging Bull, Heat to name a few.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Majority of skin moles are benign tumors. But some moles are precancerous or cancerous. FDR had a facial mole above his left eyebrow. President Franklin Roosevelt signature mole may have been cancerous. It is well documented that FDR suffered from polio and heart disease. It is controversial if this mole was, melanoma. Any mole of irregular shape or size, changes color, is painful, oozes or atypical consult a medical professional (dermatologist). The only way to prove or disprove if a mole is cancerous is with a biopsy.

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Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal

Charles Davidson, alternative medical practitioner and natural remedies expert with a specialization in skin care.

Consult with your physician, dermatologist, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or dermatologist can provide you with advice and diagnose safe and effective methods for skin tags, skin moles and skin warts removal. This information is not offered to be interpreted as medical or professional advice. All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Disclosure: Compensated Affiliate